Whats the advantages/disadvantages to being a vegetarian?!
how do veetarians get the nutrients they need that is usually found in meats?
Answers: I am not a vegetarian. However I am just curious as to the advantages and disadvantages.
how do veetarians get the nutrients they need that is usually found in meats?
Vegetarians must eat a sufficient variety and quantity of non-meat products to provide the daily requirements of nutrients (such as amino acids from proteins) that non-vegetarians get from meats.
Don't allow yourself to be misinformed by proselytizers for ANY kind of dietary regimen, vegetarian or otherwise. Inform yourself by consulting reputable, reliable, scientific sources.
Such as . . .
I do not think one is any more advantagious than the other. You can get all the nutrients you need in either diet. The only advantage in either diet is the quality of the food you eat. Is it fresh or highly processed? Is it organically grown AND free-range & hormone-free if it moves.
The only dietary disadvantage in either diet would be the consumption of fast (fat?!) food, no matter where it comes from. It is one of the worst things that has been perpetrated upon the American public, and the world at large now with globalization.