How do you store dry bleu cheese?!
I am a former chef and while the parchment is a good idea it is expensive, simlpey use a double sheet of paper towel and the Ziplok bag or a low cost plastic sealing container, I get mne a the Dollar discount stores, it is best not to use a good tupperware or rubbermaid one.
It will keep up to 2 weeks, but if dry maybe longer, I buy Danish blue, I like the Maytag for the US, but use prodominatly Rouqefort and Gorganzola, even the German Camanzola.
Wrap in parchment paper and store in a plastic bag. The parchment is important because it will create a barrier between the cheese and plastic (which will create a slime on the cheese and it will deteriorate faster).
I don't know exactly what your looking for, but I hope this helps