How does one peel an avacado to cook with it?!
Answers: there is this big black thing in the middle and mine always turns like yellow
First, you have to make sure it is ripe. It'll be black, usually, and squish just slightly to the touch.
Cut it in half, and dig out the seed (the big black thing in the middle). Scoop out the green part with a big spoon. Now, if you miscalculated and it's still hard, cut it up and toss it in some lemon or lime juice. If you didn't, you can mash it with some lemon juice or lime juice to keep the color nice and fresh for two days. I like to mash mine with a little mayonnaise, too, and use it on sandwiches.
Usually, the spoon works really well -- hard avocado or soft.
cut in until you hit the seed, then work your knife around the seed to cut it in half.
now pull it in half
pull out the seed.
use a spoon to scoop out the meat
Take a medium to large knife and cut around the fruit long ways, pull the fruit apart then carefully lightly whack the seed with the knife and turn the seed to loosen it. Then use a big spoon or spatula to scoop it out. Or you can cut it while it is still in the skin.