Has anyone ever had an absolute horrid day in the kitchen?!
Answers: I was making a Cinnamon Coffee Cake, and 5 lbs. of flour hit the floor, a whole bottle of pure vanilla extract (glass), got cumin instead of cinnamon, added all dry ingredients without alternating with the sour cream, forgot that when using a bunt pan that to put a top on the cake you put it in before the batter not after. I have never had such a bad cooking experience!! Has anyone else had a horrible day cooking, I lost my X-mas spirit! Please share ANY stories...I'm gonna quit cooking and live on take out (for the next few months!)
Oh my sorry about your bad day!!
Yes I have been cooking for 35 plus years so I have had many bad days.
One was when I went to church and left eggs boiling on my stove top. I thought about them after Sunday School when I was in the choir singing. I politely excused myself and drove home to find eggs exploded all over the stove, the wall and the ceiling. Talk about stink, it was an awful mess. And it must of been quite of explosion because my poor dogs were still upstairs under the bed!! My husband came home and could not help but laugh.
To this day he still laughs at the time the eggs blew up during church!
Unfortunately I have been there & done that also....I find that with me....the error is in not planning & getting impatient....remember, baking especially, is an exact thing....cooking a soup, for intsance, you can add a pinch of this & a dab of that...but not baking! It says one cup...and one cup & a tsp is too much!. Also, alot of it comes with experience...don't give up!!!
The first meal & made my parents,hubby & in laws was a total disaster!!!! I made a packaged ham, but baked it...with a lovely glaze & all.....still wrapped in plastic!!! I then didn't have a knife to cut it....burned the rolls......the potatoes were watery & my beans looked like they had aphids in them...plus I used sugar instead of salt.....it was a disaster!!!! But, they ate it......complimented it...and had the grace not to die from the food...lol......
Just don't give up...clean the mess, re supply the larder, organize & conquer!!!!!