Steaming squash?!
Answers: Is squash good steamed? How long should it be steamed in a steamer if it is good?
Yes it is good steamed, just steam until you get the degree of softness you prefer. 15-20 minutes, depending upon how hard you are simmering the water.
I don't know about steamed. I cut mine in 1/2 and put butter and brown sugar in it and bake it. now thats yummy.
Personally I don't like it steamed..I like it fried or baked, or even in soups.
You steam the peeled and cut up squash pieces until a fork will easily pierce the squash. You'll know when it feels right, count on 30 minutes or so.
Steamed, it will only taste like steamed squash. Baked, however, you can add salt, pepper, butter, sugars, etc... (yum to baked squash)