My mother used to add Worcestershire sauce to recipes including navy beans, what exactly does it do to food?!
Answers: it's a flavour of it's own but also it's a flavor enhancer .one of the main ingredients is tamarinds,which is a natural flavor enhancer,similar to the effect of MSG.
it has lots of it can add flavor, depends on the nature of the food that you are adding it to (i.e. veggies, legumes, proteins)
read up - its a fermented sauce
It seasons and can tenderize as a composite ingredient in a marinade. It's a fermented sauce much like soy sauce or fish sauce.
She was likely adding it for its flavour.
It give it a unique flavor some like it some do not. It will increase the salt content so use it sparingly.
it adds an incredicle amount of mouth watering flavor. the next time you make steaks try broiling the steaks in the Worcestershire sauce, absolutely tasteful.
It is just a flavouring sauce; no tenderizing abilities to it at all. It also adds a bit of colour to foods.