3 ounces pasteurized egg whites?!
Answers: how many egg whites would that be? (large eggs)
I am a former chef and a medium to large egg is between 3-4 ounces, and 70% of that is egg white, so figure each egg white to be around 2 oz, so if the recipe cals for 3 oz use 1 tablespoon plus a teaspoon of liquid egg whites.
When I was a chef we would make amyo and hollandaise and those only took egg yolks so we always had bug pickle jars full of white, we used them but most went to the pastry shop for cakes, merianges and other baked goods, it is the easiest form now to get egg whites, no waste and you can used them in place of whole eggs in almost everything even mayo made in a blend is possible (no health risks).
this does not make sense...
just what are you doing ...???
who,, what,, why,,, would anyone call for 3oz of any egg
NO two are alike,,, another total waste...
use 3...
there are 2 tablespoons in a liquid ounce so you need 6 tablespoons of egg whites. probably 3 eggs.
1 egg white = 1 oz