Help With Cooking Burgers??!
I want to do this at home, but I want to cook them to where it's well done in the middle (no red to avoid simonela) without burning up the cheese?? I noticed on TV, they left it a little red in the middle.
How could I cook them to avoid simonela and and not burn up the cheese??
Answers: Alright, I'm about to cook burgers but I was amazed by this idea on TV where this restaurant put cheese inside there patties before cooking so when the burger is ready and you bite into it, cheese melts out.
I want to do this at home, but I want to cook them to where it's well done in the middle (no red to avoid simonela) without burning up the cheese?? I noticed on TV, they left it a little red in the middle.
How could I cook them to avoid simonela and and not burn up the cheese??
I have done that before with Turkey burgers and Mozzarella cheese. They were good =) I was able to thoroughly cook the burger with out the cheese over cooking. You just cut a small cube (big enough for taste but small enough so that the meat can cover up the cheese. You put an indent with your thumb, stick the cube of cheese in there and then mold the hamburger meat around the cheese-the cook! Good Luck!
Thoroughly cook the burger, then put a slicem of cheese over the cooked burger & serve. It will melt itself.
Make the burgers thin, and cook over a lower heat. You can finish cooking them in the oven if needed.
I made something similar in the past. Actually had them in a restaurant and copied them at home. They made two thin burgers and placed a spoonful of cream of mushroom soup (undiluted) in the center of the bottom burger. They then added a couple of small cubes of cheese, placed the top burger on it and pinched the edges closed all the way around. They then either bbq'd or broiled the burgers (I've done both) until the inside is cooked - the cheese didn't burn and it didn't ooze out until it was cut into. What happened with these, the juices of the burger mixed with the cream of mushroom soup and the cheese and blended everything together so when you cut into it, it had it's own gravy but on the inside. With the cheese on the inside, it won't burn up, at least in what I have had and made with the soup.
make two thin patties place cheese in the middle of one patty and top with second the edges together (very well) to seal the patties closed.
fry one med heat....5 mins each side
Just cook them over low heat for a longer time.