How often do you eat meat?!
Answers: About once or twice a week, Depends on the mood really..I dont eat as much as I use to..
As often as I can!!
probably like 5-6 times a week
At least once a day
near every day , prob 28 days a month
Never have, since birth, I have no idea why but I simply do not like meat.
Probably 5 times a week - and by meat I am of course including: all foul, red meat and fish.
I try to at least once a week but only to keep the iron up, eating steak isnt my thing but it is when I need it.
Admittedly it would be daily. At least one meat of some kind.
Beef, pork, chicken, fish, you name it.
I eat beef or chicken daily.
i eat meat every day as much as i need to get 247 grams of protein for body building
Breakfast, lunch and dinner!
Once a week at most.
Theres some sort of meat incorporated in every meal I eat for the most part. But I tend to only eat 1 meal a day because Im not hungry in the mornings and dont like to eat late.
Every day, twice a day (except pasta days).
once every two days.
Well, since I am not the one cooking, I am not able to count. But I eat whenever my mother has meat for the day. As often as she makes meat :)
Maybe 2 tiimes a week, could be more
Fish or chicken - once daily
Red meat - once monthly or less.
I don't.... I'm vegetarian.
Very rarely
More than once a day every day.
I eat meat as often as I can - probably 3-4 times per week.
Everyday, usually for dinner.
Once or twice a week. I feel ill if I eat too much.
3-5 times a week
Daily. I'm carnivorous.