Who's Your Favorite Food Product Mascot?!
Answers: The Green Giant or the Twinkie Cowboy. You don't see either of them very much anymore. When I was a kid, my dad used to bring home Twinkie rings from the grocery store he worked at. Wish I'd kept some of them. Great question!
the Pillsbury? dough boy, very cute.
I LOVED the Quizno's rat/hamster hybrid creature. But why on Earth would they want to make consumers think of rodents when thinking about their food?
I also like Jack (Jack in the Box). Did you all catch that commercial during the superbowl when he was in the hot tub w/ his wife and a cheesy 1970's couple. The couple were swingers and wanted to make a Jack sandwich. HYSTERICAL!
h, the green red-hot fire breathing dragon from Pick Up Stix, that Chinese food place. I'll stop everything to watch the commercial.