How not to have the fish stick to the frying pan?!
Answers: hi as a pro chef i have been learning how not to have fish stick to the saute pan for over twenty years. first of all heat the saute pan over the burner until it has a chance to get hot for at least three minutes. Remember teflon or nonstick is always best. blot the piece of fish dry with paper towels to remove any excess moisture. you can dredge the fish in seasoned flour or seasoned corn meal to prevent sticking and add another taste dimension. another tip is to heat the pan with the oil in the pan from the beginning. remember to turn the temperature down before adding the fish if the oil is smoking. i hope this helps...
The pan must be very hot before you put cooking oil in it... and then wait until the oil is hot... be careful, you don't want to renovate the whole kitchen. You will see light smoke on top of the frying pan.. that's the time to add fish. Make sure you pad the fish dry or there will be splashes all over.
There's this spray you can buy that prevents sticking on baking pans and frying pans, and anything. You can buy it at any grocery store.
Non-stick pan and olive-oil. Also, don't force the fish to move or flip. If you gently try to lift it and it doesn't give, leave it for another 30 seconds or until it unsticks from the pan by itself (it will even do this in a stainless steel)
the fish is probably going to stick no matter what you do. can you bake it in the oven? maybe add enough broth to the frying pan it may not stick. best of luck.
use non-stick or Teflon coated frying fan and heat the pan well before pouring enough oil and then fish. Don't use force while turning the fish and taking out.
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Mattnob... has the best answer of everyone. Follow his advice.
mattnobe is right...blot pan cold oil....and the fish will release itself when its done..same as on a grill...too many people try to turn fish on the grill to early and rip it apart!!!