Freezing Lasagne?!
Answers: Now I have a quantity of lasagne in the freezer meant for a certain day next week but now there has been a postponement . Anyone out there know how long it is safe to keep freshly baked lasagne in the freezer. It is well wrapped in lots of alfoil and in a corningware glass dish. Please only answer this if you know for sure how many months/weeks whatever is it safe to leave it in the deep-freeze?????? Oh also a carrot cake - same story.
Dear "V",? i wasn't sure, so, i had to go to Uncle Luigi.? I'll tell you exactly what he said.? But first he got this real angry look on his face.? Then he said,? "Youa never freeza lettice or lasagne.? Becausea why?? I'ma gonna tella you.? The most delicatea ingrediente isa youa Riccotta Cheese.? Soma timea, thisa riccotta curdles.? It turns from creama toa a little balls.? It curdles.? Thisa no bien!".So keep and eye out for you know what.Baisically it's a crap shoot.Eat food fresh.Carrot Cake with lasagne?? Get yourself some big canolies.??
both should be fine for about a year if they are well wrapped and stay frozen.
You can freeze each of these for a long time with no loss in food safety, but there may be some loss in quality. For about sixty to ninety days there'sno problem, but I would try to use them in that amount of time.
I wouldn't go past three months. Six weeks would be better.
Funny you should ask this...I just made lasagna today for a get together that was cancelled. I put mine in the freezer also, wrapped in foil etc. The recipe I used says that unbaked lasagna can stay in the freezer for up to one month, I'm thinking that baked lasagna would stay alright for at least that long also!
*** I guess you're having lasagna for dinner soon, just like we are. Oh well. At least you'll be able to taste your lasagna and see if you like the recipe, how it turned out- before serving it at your luncheon.
I would think July is a bit too long... it will lose quality and could suffer freezer burn. Maybe bake a couple off and your family can eat one, and take one to a neighbor or sick friend.
I have froze my own lasagna for up to 4 months and also buy the frozen stuff at the grocery. We have no way of knowing how long that stuff as been around. As long as it's well wrapped it should be just fine. If you have it in corningware I would take it freezer to oven without thawing.