When do I sweeten my homemade yogurt?!
Answers: I bought a 1 quart yogurt maker and have a good basic recipe for plain yogurt. I want to sweeten it but I don't know when in the process to incorporate the sweetener. Do I add the sweeteners before putting it in the yogurt maker while it "cooks" or after the yogurt has firmed up and refrigerated? Basically I want to use vanilla extract and splenda, and I'm afraid the extra ingredients will keep the yogurt from firming up and result in me wasting a quart of milk.
I always add Splenda and vanilla once it is completely set. I tried once to add Splenda after cooking but before setting, and it never set. I got gross warm sweet milk instead.
I would add it once it has cooked, but before it has firmed up. That way the vanilla wont be affected by teh cooking process, but it will have time to saturate while it is chilling.
I have always done it after it is completely done because sometimes I don't want my yogurt sweet, but I don't really know if adding it before it sets up is a problem.
You add , after it is made. I used to make yogurt all the time , in those little jars, I like the flavor of plain yogurt and buy it that way now. I add crushed pine apple, I make jello with it. Now when I make it myself, I put it into a large cornning ware and put it on a heating pad-- when it's finished I line a large strainer with cheese cloth,add the yorgurt, Let it drain excess liquid , it tastes like cream cheese ,