What to do with sodabread!?!
Answers: i want a nice snack and i have some soda bread. But i have no idea what to do with it? any ideas??
Depending on what flavors are in your sodabread, you can heat it a little and add some butter and peanut butter to it. Or, you can crumble it up, mix in some sugar, eggs, seasonings, and make a nice bread pudding.
You can heat it and crumble it into a bowl and then drizzle it with honey and eat it.
Again, depending on the seasonings in your soda bread, you could use it as a biscuit underneath some slices strawberries that have been sprinkled with sugar and allowed to form their juice. That would be good too.
Hope that helped.
Dip it in the juice from your corned beef and cabbage.
Slice it thin and make it crisp in a slow oven. Then eat it with cheese, peanut butter, jam, whatever.