Are you cooking dinner?!
Answers: My boyfriend ask me to cook dinner I was going to make turkey cuts, macaroni & greens... I finished the meat & had to leave for 10 mins when I got back he had ate two turkey chops & was full (no sides) I was pissed & didn't appriciate it. Was I wrong?
He should have waited for you but let's face it, men are men. If I left a tasty turkey cutlet sitting out, fully cooked and told my fiance to wait... He would have at least nibbled on it before i got home if not eaten one...
You weren't wrong.. But it happens...
And yes, I am cooking dinner right now as a matter of fact. In a slow cooker at home. Pot roast, want some?
yes i would, because he didnt wait for me when i was the one who cooked.
In another 5-6 hours.
no he should have waited for you.
LOL I have a golden retriever that did this once......
no you weren't wrong I would have been pissed off also.
Hmmm I've been mad at my b/f for that...but now I've learned more to "pick your battles"
NO! You were NOT wrong. He was a selfish boob for doing that. You made that meal to eat together. What a completely crappy thing to do. I think you should let him go hungry next time.
no you were right
He's a boy
We can't resist food.
At least he enjoyed it!
no but I will feel like sh#t
does it matter? he was hungry. ask him to cook u something and if he sez no stick it up his nose
i would have been mad didnt even get to sit and eat dinner with him
i would be mad, you were troubling yourself to make a good meal land he ruined it. you put too much time and effort into it to not be mad at him. but don't worry. he probably just thought you set it out for him or something.
I would be pissed!!!
Depends if you knew he liked it or not...
yes, a pet peeve of mine is when people pick at my food while im cooking it. not only that it would have been nice if he waited for you and not just left you the sides. it's inconsiderate...
He should have waited for you to eat with him. I would have been mad at him also but the dinner sounds great.
It depends on where you put them, if you put them on his plate, no you shouldn't be upset. You should have put them in the microwave to stay warm or under foil to say not yet. If you did put them under foil or somewhere else, yes you can be upset because he ate with out you.
If you told him you were coming right back, you should be mad. If you left and didn't tell him when then no you shouldn't be.
not that serious, if u hadnt already made the sides then whats the difference. if u had then u could of ate some and save the rest for later, although i do see where ur coming from, he asked u to make dinner, u do then he doesnt eat the whole meal, that would aggrevate me a little too
Men and kids think of their stomachs, women think of making food pretty. Do not be mad at him.
Sides and salads are not needed most of the time, but women like to make a complete meal.
As you become older and have a husband and children, you will find that you sometimes cook all day long and then the meal is consumed in 20 minutes or less. This really hurts most women. But that is life. At least they love your cooking.
No, you were right,
If you generally eat together then that was rude of him.
wow thats messed...he should have waited for you...
im too ugly to hav a bf so idk