Pickled onion crisp?!
Answers: I use to live in England when I was 14yrs. I am now 31. There was a crisp that was called space Raiders pickled onion. does anyone no where I can get them, or would anyone be willing to send them to me. Thanks an Amarican
I love them and they are still 10p.
Best to find a friend in England to send you them.
www.taquitos.net/snacks.php?snack_code=7... - Similar
I am not saying that they sell them but try a cash and carry supermarket
Yum..i love those too...probabaly someone on ebay selling them
They are made by KP who are owned by United Biscuits. You could try contacting them and finding out if they have outlets in the States.
Try this site
its great!
Space raiders have now gone up to 15p a packet....its a scandal! I was outraged when I went to my local shop to get my hangover day supply!
That was years ago, why don't you take your own shi*tty advice and 'grow up' and start controlling your unruly children. P.S. If you live in America then you should be able to spell 'American'.