Can I use peanut butter instead of margarine or butter when cooking?!
Answers: I am not used to cooking and someone said that peanut butter can be a substitute for normal butter in cooking. I think someone might be pulling my leg, but it is early for April Fools, so I will ask the good people of Y!A.
I dont think so..but peanut butter might be good on your leg...need a Kitty to lick it off?
No, no, no.
being a cooking expert i would say as long as you are cooking platypi u can use peanut butter it helps so as not to stick. also providing adequate flavouring
Of course not! Using peanut butter instead would greatly change the flavor and everything about it. Think about it... do peanut butter and butter taste anything alike??? Does peanut butter MELT??
if u can cook with peanut oil and u can cook with butter of course u can cook with peanut butter....
Oh no. The consistency for one is so wrong - and everything will taste of peanut. Unless you like that I'd vote no.
hehe I wouldn't eat it. BUT you should try it and invite the smarty pants over for dinner. How about peanut buttered shrimp?
they are definitely pulling your leg....
taste is too different, it will ruin everything....
I would say in some recipes you could use it . I have seen recipes for chicken shrimp and other meat with peanut butter in the recipes
could you use peanut butter in cooking? yes..can you use it for lets say to fry chicken..yuck no! it wouldn't work out so well
peanutbutter is NOT a substitute for butter or margarine.
What a wonderful idea! Hmm, I bet it would be delicious when making pancakes.
it would certainly be tasty. Are you planning on eating a stripper?
Sure, you can, as long as you are buttering bread or some other pastry.
Only if you are putting chocolate in it. Yummy! Love, honey
no you cant