In the last Two years i have bought 4 new salt shakers because the holes are to small, i just found out?!
Answers: i've been using big salt
Big salt is a huge problem around the world, to be sure. I once got a bag of salt, and it was just one big grain. I had to rub my food on it. It was terrible on popcorn too! If there is anything we can do, please post another. In the interim, there are big salt support groups that can help ease the pain.
We live and we learn...........
Table salt is what you want.
put a grain of rice in thats supposed to help
PEPPER shakers have the small holes and SALT shakers have the larger ones
buy a salt grinder & use course sea salt or rock - much nicer & can be lower in sodium too
Max - You are supposed to fill them from the hole in the bottom
And I would have just broken out the power drill and drilled larger holes in my salt
haha. i dont know how you put up with the large rock salt on your food, salt that size ruins the food
the salt grinder could be a solution, or use a drill to make larger holes on the salt shakers you have.
You are funny. You need to buy table salt. If it still gets stuck put a grain of rice in the salt shaker that will help the salt to flow out nicely.
Have you ever heard of "salt cellars"? they are little bowls with tiny tiny little spoons in them. They are for the larger grains of salt, then you don't have a problem!
find them at antiques dealers!
So what is your question? I assume you bought table salt by now.
Put the salt in a food processor and pulse 10 to 12 times.