How much is 30 grams in a measuring cup?!
Answers: I lost my scoop for my protein shake and I dont know how much 30 grams is. Could someone tell me if its equivalent to tablespoons or ounces
28.35 grams =1 ounce.
its roughly 1 ounce or 1/8 of a cup , depending on where you are in the world and the consistency of the powder ,
if you have a quarter cup measure then half fill that with the powder or weigh out 1 ounce if you have scales .
i guess 30 grams = 1.05819 oz. and 1 cup = 8.8 oz.. so it's more or less 1/8 of a measuring cup.
28 grams is an once, which is two tablespoons by volume. Your scoop was probably bigger than that though and if it was by weight, maybe a 1/4 cup.