What is Dextrinisation?!
What is dextrinisation?
How does it happen?
How is it used in food preparation? (examples if possible please)
if you could help me answer these questions it would be greatly appreciated, could you also PLEASE include the source of where you found this information please, thankyou
Answers: A little help please
What is dextrinisation?
How does it happen?
How is it used in food preparation? (examples if possible please)
if you could help me answer these questions it would be greatly appreciated, could you also PLEASE include the source of where you found this information please, thankyou
Some flour products, e.g. bread and biscuits, are cooked by dry heat, in the form of radiation or convection. As this happens, proteins and carbohydrate react on the surface. This results in colour, flavour and odour changes, e.g. the crust of bread during baking. This is called dextrinisation or the Maillard browning reaction.
This sounds like homework so you better research the answer and source yourself.
Are you cheating on your home work??