What is the best way to split a spongecake into three layers?!
Answers: I need to split a spongecake into three layers. I've ruined 2 now, trying to cut them. I can't get them cut strait, and they are tearing to pieces! Does anyone know an easy way to spit a spongecake into three LEVEL, UNTORN pieces???
Mark it evenly with toothpicks. Use a serrated knife and cut slowly, pressing down on the top of the cake as you do it.
You could also use dental floss or fishing line. Mark the cake with toothpicks. Wrap a piece of floss around the cake, cross the ends, then pull.
freeze it first and then use a bread or ginzu knife with serated edges and saw slowly through it
best thing i use is a piece of fishing line
I just use ordinary sewing cotton and pull it through with a gentle, slightly sawing action.