Is chocoalte really good for you?!
Answers: I have heard that dark chocolate is actually good for you.
Yes it is!
Cocoa in its fruit form and dark chocolate contains flavonoids which are basically anti-oxidants, and HDL cholestrol(thats good cholestrol which your body needs). These promote blood flow, therefore cleaning your blood system which in turn gives you excellent skin and hair and well-functioning organs. Cocoa powder and dark chocolate are especially good for your heart.
Chocolate also produces tryptophan which makes you feel happy and makes u feel the same way as u feel when you're in love!
But the manufactured chocolate that we get in the markets is not healthy, becoz it contains high contents of fat and sugar.
It actually is, has antioxidants in it. Not to excess tho'.
Dark Chocolate Lowers Blood Pressure- so eating a small peice of it a day is actually good for you! though milk and white chocolate is not!
Dark Chocolate really isn't bad for you. Not good for in large doses though.
I just took a nutrition class and the teacher said it was. She continued that it would be a bad idea to center a diet on this principle.
YEP! the sugar isn't though...Chocolate was considered a restorative drink by the Mayans who didn't drink it sweet...BTW They recently found out that it contains high amounts of anti-oxidants that maybe contributed to the beautiful skin of the Mayans.
It is great for me with all of the antioxidants but it is bad for my sister since it triggers migraines. It just depends on the person, but for most people it is very good.
Don't eat things just because they're 'good for you'. Eat things because they taste good to you.
But studies have shown that chocolate does seem to have some health benefits. However, the same thing can be said for practically all foods.
YEs it is good for you because you it makes you happy and takes stress off and it also release some kinda stress hormone the only thing that it aint good for is your
I've only heard that dark chocolate is good for you. I actually prefer to have a piece of dark chocolate every now and then instead of having milk chocolate or chocolates with stuff inside of them. My favorite are those new dove dark chocolate singles that are made with something other than sugar. It's better for you:)
Yes, dark chocolate can be good for you... it has to be 60 or 70% cacoa though... I can't remember. It can help keep your arteries clean and running smoothly. It is good for the blood flow, and can help with high blood pressure. I did a report on this a while back.