Is there any kind of danger re-heating food more than twice?!
Answers: I have heard this quite alot and am not sure whether it's true or not
Food items should only be reheated once. Not withstanding the loss of quality when you continue to reheat items over and over, there is also the increased risk of a food borne illness from improper heating and cooling procedures. If you are not going to eat the item after reheating it once, be safe and toss it out!
other then it becoming dry no
Yup, I read that zeno estrogens start forming and your body can get messed up....same with water bottles you buy with water in em over the shouldnt refill em cause the chemicals seap from the plastic into your system then bam! More zenoestrogen....very bad...
as long as the food was handled properly (refrigerated & heated to proper minimum temperature) the food will remain safe. Texture will vary as well as moisture. Whenever you purchase precooked food you are on the 1st reheat already.
Yes it is a danger. The problem is that the food is in the "danger zone" of temperature a lot of times (45o-145oF) where bacteria best grow, multiply, and make toxins. It's in the zone not only when heating it up, but cooling it down each time. Yipes!
It would be better to only heat up the portion you are going to eat, and leave the rest refrigerated.
ya its really harm full to us if the re-heating and making ov and . refurbishing is not done properly its going to be reacting too bad ov our body
never take a risk of it