Does anyone know a good website with medieval recipes??!
I have to do a class project on medieval times!. Me and my group have to put on a banquet, which means we have to cook what they ate at the medieval time!. But, we don't know what they ate or the manners they had or any of that!. So if you found a good website or you knew a recipe it would be great if you told me! It would me and my group soooo much!! thanks! <3Www@FoodAQ@Com
What they ate:
The manners they had:
The manners they had:
try this site, they may have some recipes that you can use for free!.
Just about anything that is classic french cuisine can be traced back to the midievil times!. Stick with the easy stuff though like turkey legs and roasted elephant garlic!. Check out some of these!.
Find it, Kill it, Cook it, Eat it!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Medieval Recipes from Various Sources
*Forme of Curye
ed!. Constance Hieatt & Sharon Butler, Early English Text Society, Oxford University Press, 1985
Sometimes differently spiced but sometimes surprisingly modern!.!.!.
- raviolis
- applemoye
- gees in hotchpot
- frumenty
- blanche porre
- blomanger
- stewed pigeons
- loysens / tartlettes
- rabbit in syrup / figgy pudding
*Le Viander de Tallivent
Le Menagier
ed and trans!. Joseph Dommers Vehling, Dover
Delicately prepared vegetable with cumin seemed to be very popular in Ancient Rome!.!.!.
- Varro Beets
- Asparagus
- Young Cabbage
- Rapas
- Porros
- Carrots
Cariadoc's Miscellaney
His Grace Cariadoc has made a Miscellany and there are many recipes therin!.
members!.tripod!.com/BlackTauna/recipes!.!.!.!. members!.tripod!.com/BlackTauna/recipes!.ht!.!.!. ·
*Forme of Curye
ed!. Constance Hieatt & Sharon Butler, Early English Text Society, Oxford University Press, 1985
Sometimes differently spiced but sometimes surprisingly modern!.!.!.
- raviolis
- applemoye
- gees in hotchpot
- frumenty
- blanche porre
- blomanger
- stewed pigeons
- loysens / tartlettes
- rabbit in syrup / figgy pudding
*Le Viander de Tallivent
Le Menagier
ed and trans!. Joseph Dommers Vehling, Dover
Delicately prepared vegetable with cumin seemed to be very popular in Ancient Rome!.!.!.
- Varro Beets
- Asparagus
- Young Cabbage
- Rapas
- Porros
- Carrots
Cariadoc's Miscellaney
His Grace Cariadoc has made a Miscellany and there are many recipes therin!.
members!.tripod!.com/BlackTauna/recipes!.!.!.!. members!.tripod!.com/BlackTauna/recipes!.ht!.!.!. ·