Explain a principle in selecting a fruit and a vegetable for garnishing??!
HELP! I have this question in Culinary Arts, and I do not know how to answer it!! My teacher said that I need a concrete answer, can anyone help me!? Please and thank you!!Www@FoodAQ@Com
You want the garnish to compliment the food, not compete with it!. Don't choose a fruit to garnish a savory dish, or a vegetable to garnish a dessert!. And, don't garnish with a fruit or vegetable who's color doesn't look good with the food on the plate!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Usually you should garnish with a fruit or vegetable that is in the dish or use an herb that is in the dish!. Using fruits/vegetables that are within the dish will let the eater know what to expect is in the dish!. Pleasing colors will help to brighten the plate for a dark dish, such as one with dark sauce!. A slice or wedge of lemon usually accompanies a fish or seafood dish since lemon goes so well with seafood for taste!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
It should be firm ESp tomatoes carrots any type of fruits generally holds good for selecting for garnishWww@FoodAQ@Com
firm, fresh and unblemishedWww@FoodAQ@Com