How would you rate this recipes website?!
I have a recipes website that I have been maintaining for about 2 months now!. The recipes are from my personal collection and from friends and family!.
I have designed it myself except for the graphics, do you think it looks nice and inviting!? How would you rate my website on a scale of 1-10!? One at the low end and ten at the high end!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I have designed it myself except for the graphics, do you think it looks nice and inviting!? How would you rate my website on a scale of 1-10!? One at the low end and ten at the high end!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I would rate it an 8:
I like the site its informative and easy to access!. The recipes don't take a lot of ingredients and the ingredients can be purchased at your local grocery store!.
The down side, if you don't mind me saying, is the color of the page it doesn't "pop"!. I would use a brighter color to make it more appealing to the eye!.
This is my opinion however someone else might find the color working for them!. I'm more fond of a yellow or blue!.
hope this helps!. good luck and enjoy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I like the site its informative and easy to access!. The recipes don't take a lot of ingredients and the ingredients can be purchased at your local grocery store!.
The down side, if you don't mind me saying, is the color of the page it doesn't "pop"!. I would use a brighter color to make it more appealing to the eye!.
This is my opinion however someone else might find the color working for them!. I'm more fond of a yellow or blue!.
hope this helps!. good luck and enjoy!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
I would rate a 7!. I'm going with 7 because there's not a lot of order to the recipe categories!. But I love the background and colors and am definitely bookmarking this because some of the recipes look great!. Thank you! Www@FoodAQ@Com
I am going with a rating of 5!. the only reason is I will not use a recipe without seeing the nutrition values!. I have had to toss some of my favorite cookbooks since they did not have nutrition information!. My hubby is a diabetic so that info is crucial!.
Becky, I love your site and give you a 10!.
My only comment is that the violet/purple background and the light font didn't help my eyes navigate too well!.
I signed your guest book as "Jersey Girl from Y!A"
Good luck with it!Www@FoodAQ@Com
My only comment is that the violet/purple background and the light font didn't help my eyes navigate too well!.
I signed your guest book as "Jersey Girl from Y!A"
Good luck with it!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Absolutely perfect!!! I give you a 10!.