What parts of the fridge and/or freezer should i be storing fruit?!
thanks to the people who answered my last question!. so me and my roommate bought apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, pineapples, kiwi, and mangos!. so apparently there are places in the fridge that are more or less cold and moist then others!. where are these places and what fruits should i be storing where as far as temperature and moistness are concerned!? specific fruits are appreciatedWww@FoodAQ@Com
Bananas you leave on the counter as they don't need refrigeration!. Apples, oranges, tangerines, kiwi and mango's in one of the drawers, called a crisper drawer!. If you do not have one then I recommend a basket of some type and store on the bottom shelf!. If the pineapple is ripe, I would clean, slice and store that in a tupperware container!. I leave my pineapples on the counter until ripe, then I cut it up!. Www@FoodAQ@Com
I wouldn't put it in the fridge!.!.!. I would however, make a fruit salad so that it doesn't go to waste because you went crazy in the fresh fruit aisle LOL!. Then I would refrigerate the fruit salad, if you bought a lemon too that will help preserve it and keep it from browning!. Mangos need to be really ripe and that won't happen in the fridge, bananas should never go in the fridge unless you want them all brown and mushy for banana bread!. Apples, maybe if you bought a whole bag and don't plan to eat them!. Oranges I don't like in the fridge, I like to eat my fruit room temp, it seems to have more flavor and more juice!. Seriously though, you have the makings for an AWESOME fruit salad, share it with some friends unless you seriously think you can eat it all before it goes bad!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
i depends if you have a place on on something like a wire basket, than you should keep it out of the fridge!. i would put them in the drawer in the fridge if you want!. but they might get smooshed!.Www@FoodAQ@Com
Ummm I Really Think You
Should Put The Fruit In The Fridge!Www@FoodAQ@Com
Should Put The Fruit In The Fridge!Www@FoodAQ@Com