I got a boneless turkey and dont know how to cook it HELP?!
I got a 10 lb turkey on accident and there are no instructions on how to cook it!.It was given to me and Im afraid Ill mess it up and we wont have a turkey for thanksgiving please help me I don't know what Im doingWww@FoodAQ@Com
Dragonfl before someone else emails me there are two temps "F" and "C" 180c =a little over 350f, I know your not dumb and you knew that!. But here we go, baste or season your bird well and allow 20 minutes per pound at 180Deg "C"!. preheat your oven of course!.
First off rinse it off in cold water then pat dry with a paper towel then you want to poke holes in it rub butter all over it then put what ever seasonings you like on it wrap it in foil with a lil water in the bottom of a pan that you are cooking in cook in the oven on about 350 or 300!. Cook maybe about 45 mins!. It really depends on wellness wait about that long and slice a piece off to tell if it"s well done or not if it"s still pink then it"s not done!. Good Luck I can cook but I am not a good cooking instructor Have A Happy Thankgiving and good luck!.Www@FoodAQ@Com