what gross things do people put to make stuff so good?!
Ok, so here's the deal. ANYTIME you buy processed food...meaning food that is premade, has packaging be it a cellophane or plastic wrap, in a box or can or bottle then you are subjected to whatever someone else's idea of how food should be prepared. So, what I'm getting at is that you are better off making your own food (from scratch or mostly scratch). Now that being sometimes you are in a pinch and you need to buy some processed foods, then read the label carefully. If there are many ingredients, more than say 5...then there is probably alot of preservatives & unncessary fillers. Really. The best approach to all of this mess is make your own and freeze them for future meals.
I'm a personal chef.
I certainly hope you are NOT interning to be an English teacher because your question and additional details are almost incomprehensible.
Do you want to know what factories put in food?
If you can, read the label. It has everything that is in what you bought. Its the law.