It's halal meat on my pizza should I eat it!?!
There is no way right now for me to find out for sure if it is or not because it's too late, the pizza place is closed so can't call and ask.
And the meat is minced so can't exactly pick it out...
This type of killing puts the least amount of stress onto the cow. The cow cannot see the knife before it is used. So no stress. The blood loss makes the cow unconscious within a couple seconds. It is a VERY humane way of slaughter.
In Arabic, the word halal means permitted or lawful. Halal foods are foods that are allowed under Islamic dietary guidelines. According to these guidelines gathered from the Qu'ran, Muslim followers cannot consume the following:
pork or pork by products
animals that were dead prior to slaughtering
animals not slaughtered properly or not slaughtered in the name of Allah
blood and blood by products
carnivorous animals
birds of prey
land animals without external ears
I don't see what the issue is with halal meat? It sounds fine to me.
It shouldn't gross you out, halal meat is simply meat that's been prepared in a way consistent with muslim law. It's not very different than Kosher meat - same meat, prepared in a cleaner, more humane way.
Enjoy it.
For a top contributor you're being very silly. I prefer Kosher to halal but meat prepared that tends to taste better. What kind of Voodoo do you think Muslims do to their food?
sure it is fine to eat. maybe even better. beecause it is blessed food.
HALAL sounds kosher to me