Boil on butt. Should I pop it, soak it, put ice/heat on it or just leave it alone?!
seems to me there should be a better category to ask that question in than FOOD AND DRINK!! Makes me want to throw up.
Prolly should let the dr drain it. Popping is pointless if it's already draining which would be why there is yellow stuff on your draws. Boils can cause serious infections sometimes, so better go to the dr. It's embarrassing, but necessary. You can also try using heat on it, that helps with swelling. If you could soak it that would also help.
Mix salt with a little bit of egg yolk (my Grandma called it a poultice), dab a little on a gauze pad (forgive me, but the wife's mini-pad works great for this purpose), and bandage it to the boil. To relieve pain crush an aspirin into the mixture (but you'll live without it, geez). The salt (though it might sting a little, ya big baby) will reduce adema (excess serous fluid); the yolk will localize the infection. Repeat with a new clean application daily. It takes a few days for a boil to drain and dry out. You'll be okay. When the infection subsides, keep it covered with a bandage and some antibiotic oinment until the wound heals. Don't squeeze or dig at it.
its okay as long as no one mistakes and starts talking to it instead of you. Or, can pop it, it does hurt but, it also is a first step toward healing it. if unsure, go to doktor SOON. or just keep complaining about it. doktors will more than likely lance it (pop with a sterile needle) and use cotton gauze to keep mopping up the will pus for a while but, will begin to dry up...
have no REAL clue but, worked in the past.
Do NOT squeeze or pop it - you could end up with a nasty mrsa infection!! Soak in warm tub, keep covered with a clean piece of gauze or bandage & get to the doctor pronto!! I work for a surgeon & see this all the time. If you pop it, you may end up in the operating room with a 6" cut in your butt!!
fill the tub with very warm water...add some epsom salt and soak...when finished dry yourself very well and put loose underpants on do not squeeze pop or anything else......i suggest putting a depends on to cushion it and it will collect any secreations it may give.....after a couple days of soaking it should be better if not...go see your Dr. hope your Butt feels better soon lol.....good luck and happy soaking!!!!!!
Put an eggshell on it, or a wet tea bag, or a very very hot wet towel. This will help bring it to a head then pop it. Wash oyour hands before and rub with alcohol after, to prevent infection.
Put some ice across it,
then pop it with your fingernails (If there long and sharp)
Or tweasers... :'D
It's already oozing so just lance the boil and cover with antibacterial ointment and a bandage.
You Should Go 2 The Doctors, & Let Them Do It, Gross Yeah I Know But It's Safer.
You Doing It Could Only Make It Worse.
I had a boil when I was a kid on my thigh..My dad popped was the most painful thing I ever had done to me...
But it worked...
pop it