Sugar in different cereals?!
Disregard anything said by the guy who started off his rant by saying that insulin is produced by the liver. Insulin is produced by the pancreas. Also, the jury is still out on the harmfulness of high fructose corn syrup. Sugar is sugar. The body processes HFCS the same as table sugar. People used to make the same claims when manufacturers started using beets instead of sugar cane to make table sugar.
To answer your question, the nutrition panel on the side of the box is the best way to judge the sugar content of cereal. When making side by side comparisone, be sure that the "per serving" sizes are the same. Some cereals might say 3 oz. is a serving, while others might say that 3.5 oz. is a serving.
You can get the nutritional information for most foods on Skynet, if you are willing to do a little searching.
the cheap ones have a lot.
Corn flakes are really bad. They have sugar, high fruxtose corn syrup PLUS the corn. To your liver, they are as bad as heroin, your liver isn't made for creating so much insulin so quickly.
The organic pricier brands- Amy's, Barbara's ( I love this brand- Shredded spoonfuls, puffins etc) use brown rice syrup , or brown sugar, or cane juice- mush mush better for your body.
You will notice, you get a huge sugar high- heart pounding fast, a lot of sugar spike and then ultimately a crash when you eat HFCS, corn syrup and white sugar.
This doesn't happen with unrefined sugars nealry so much.
The amount of sugar in all kellogs cereals is what I would call criminal.
Also, they really use high fructose corn syrup in place of sugar, and it's a sad scary world when you can claim something is healthier if it contains whte sugar instead of HFCS.
If you compare- buy the cheap 99cent cornflakes, eat a box one day. Then a few days later eat some organic unrefined sugar granola- you DON'T get the massive sugar high with pumpin heart and depression after wards.
HFCS is a toxic substance and has NO place in the human body.
YEt it's very cheap and lasts for ages in products- hence cheap crappy HFCS cereals.
I wouldn't eat any cereal that has HFCS in it, period.
Second, I would avoid like the plague anything with regualr sugar.
Only eat brow rice syrup , or cane juice sweetened cereals, They taste so much better anyway- hfcs has a slightly chemical taste that once you notice is hard to not taste. Once you compare two bowls- one of cheap cornflakes, and one of canne juice sweetened cereal, you'll see.
Cereal is one of the most fake processed foods. You're supposed to be eating healthy?
HFCS, Sugar, Corn syrup and rice- that's the main ingredients in rice krispies .
Cornflakes has the same only with corn.
The cheapest cereal- oats. Safe and healthy.
The best way for you to know is look at the labels on the boxes. They all tell you how much sugar is in them and them you can decide which one is best or worse.
listen mate in Egypt there are shops that serve sugar cane drinks and juice and i swear to God its the tastiest drink i have ever had.. and its very cheap.. the drink is green