Do you know of any good fondant , cake , frosting, cupcake, and cake recipes . Can you give me some?!
Thank you !!
uhey im 14 and im really into this stuff aswell i can give you a few recipes
Well there's an easier way on making fondant which is mmf fondant better known as marshmallow fondant i make this know that i have discovered it . i gave u the url for a cupcake recipe, a mmf fondant recipe and a page full of frosting recipes for you to choose from.
hope this helps :)
god bless
and good luck :))((:,1-0,thick_vanilla_frosting,FF.html
Hey I see your a big fan of food and you really love to cook different foods with that desired passion. I just purchased a really great recipe guide online, and I have now been able to cook fabulous dishes with my guests always complimenting the great food I cook. :)