Cake Making & Decorating Ideas?!
I'm also thinking of how to decorate it, thinking of maybe putting little marshmallows round the edges. Obviously putting his name etc on the top. Any ideas anyone?
Why not make a normal cake then a smaller cake and put it on top, then melt normal chocolate over it, then once thats set, drizzel dark chocolate in patterns over it.( the his name ect) then you could do the marshmellows or sweets around the edges and choclolate buttons making like mosaic around the edges and the walls (sides) of the cake.
hope i helped :)
Not to diss your cake, but how about choc sponge with vanilla icing?
A real popular option for my sister's birthday cake when she was Little was to first bake cookies with melted candies in the (stained-glass cookies)? And arrange then like a puzzle on top of a cake. Then we'd pour confectioners Sugar over it, making it look slightly more eye-catching for the kids
Childhood memories :
melting some white chocolate sauce and making patterns on the top could be an option or some sweets like chocolate buttons around the edges…