making thick boneless bbq pork chops. how to tell theyre thoroughly cooked?!
press with your finger and see how hard or soft it is. if its hard to press than its well cooked, and dont worry leaving it in the oven a few minutes after the time is up will be enough to finish cooking the meat. beside letting it sit for a few minutes will help keep the juises in. if you have a thermometer its the best thing to use but if you dont than your best bet is your fuinger
try making your hand into a nuckle with you thumb between your index finger and your thumb than press the little spot between your pointing finger and your thumb....thats how hard it should be if its rare, than try sticking your thumb between your middle finger and ring finger and so on.......the first step will define how rarethe meat is and as you move on finger to finger will go all the way down to well cooked
i really hope you know what im talking about cause i
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Check with a meat thermometer to ensure a proper cooking temperature has been reached.