making seasoned drumsticks on stove top?!

Question: Making seasoned drumsticks on stove top?
this is my first time making drumsticks. i placed them in a sauce pan with no oil or butter- just like that. I seasoned them with some chicken seasoning and a little bit of garlic salt. Anyway, how can i tell when theyre done? My mother in law says to tear a piece off the chicken and if it comes off easy, its done. But i dont think thats a very legit way to determine if they're done or not.
What are some good ways to really tell?
Ps. we do not have a meat thermometer. so thats out of the question.

Thank you!! :)


Congratulations on baby to come!

It's very simple: You need a good oil or oil/butter mix to cook them and they have a good texture and crispiness to them. Having them dry on the saucepan will not work. In a way she's right. Another way to tell if they are fully cooked is by poking one on the thickest part of the meat with a fork or knife.
If the juices run clear, they are fully cooked.


When the juices run clear, the chicken is done. (Poke the chicken with a fork or knife and watch the juices as they come out). If there is any red or pinkish color to the juice, they are not ready yet.

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