How much cloves of garlic is safe to eat at once or in a day?!
The old saying everything in moderation. All I can say is what I am currently eating is 4 to 6 cloves of garlic. (not head of garlic) So I've had days with max 10 cloves and I love it. If there are any scientific tests or recommendations then I would love to know too.
I also do roast garlic and when I do that I usually end up eating more but that's not a daily activity
Here is a good simple garlic roasting how to for those interested…
I used to eat two whole heads of garlic a day. I love it. I would roast them, then pop the cloves out and smear onto toast and in soups and stuff.
buy pills instead ,garlic it self will give you a bad breath and your co workers will not like that !
Talk to your Pharmacist or Doctor about this .
i think its ok to eat many in one day. I used to do up to ten in one day.
The more you eat of garlic the healthier you are.
yeperonie girlio!
1 clove a day is good enough, even if you eat it in your sure to use a breath =)