Girls - Which is more fun, fancy dressy dinner somewhere nice or your BF cooking up a dinner for two at home?!
dinner at home
My man cooking dinner at home would be very interesting--I've never seen him do more than grill some meat. I like to go out, but we never go anywhere too fancy, just casual places where we can relax and enjoy the meal.
fancy dressy dinner would be fun before it like the anticipation and dressing up, but if its too fancy it could be really awkward. presonally id choose dinner at home :D
Dinner at home. Put some fresh flowers in a vase as the centerpiece + candlelight. What woman could resist that and a delicious meal that her man prepared for her?! =)
fancy dinner
Dinner at home, but I'd be the one cooking because I enjoy that way more than dishes lol
BF cooking up a dinner for two at home
DINNER AT HOME...BCUZ I can watch a movie ater then go to desert ;)
Cooking at home. That how my man won me over :)
Candle light home..!!!! wid soft music in the background..!!!!!
its jus sooooooooo romantic!!!!! <3 <3
n whn ur BF z makin it..its soooooo sweeeet!!!! ^ ^