If I bake today (Wednesday), will my baked goods still be okay by Friday afternoon?!
I plan on making cake balls, sugar cookies, brownies, and possibly cupcakes of some sort.
If I bake all that right now while I still have time, will they all be good by Friday? How should I store it? Thanks! :)
They will absolutely still be good by Friday! Cake balls, sugar cookies and brownies can all be stored at room temperature, but keep them completely sealed to maintain the moisture and so as not to allow them to go stale. Cupcakes can either be kept at room temperature or refrigerated, but if you do keep them cold, make sure they are covered in plastic cling wrap so they don't absorb the smells of the fridge, and so icing doesn't harden. Good luck and happy baking!
I think the sugar cookies should definitely be ok, but I'm a little concerned about the cupcakes and brownies. I've found the cupcakes really go downhill after the second day, especially depending on the frosting. They loose a lot of their moistness. If you are going to try to do it today, i"d suggest frosting them and keeping them in the fridge. that might help to keep some of the moisture, but be careful to seal them well so they don't absorb any food odors from the fridge.
Yes! They will be all set for Friday. For the cookies, if you want them to stay nice and soft, put a piece of bread on the top of them while they're in a tupperware container. Just make sure you have everything covered. For the brownies cover with plastic wrap..and the cupcakes you can put in a tupperware container as well, but just not one on top of the other!
Hope i helped!
Personal Reference.
seeing how you have many answers already, I'll just give you a single tip- when storing cookies and cake balls, seal in an airtight container with a slice of bread- it helps to keep them soft. I guess that could work with brownies and cupcakes also, but frost them until Friday for bread to have full effect.
Allow to cool and store in tupperware or other plastic airtight containers. Make sure the containers are deep enough not to squash the cake. If frosting the cake balls and cupcake, stick with butter cream and refrigerate after frosting. The cakes etc. should certainly stay fresh for a few days.
Im sure theyd still taste good, they just wont be near as great as they could have been. If its bread then forget about it. When i get a pastry/loaf and its still warm... well thats as good as its going to get