Has the government gone too far?!
They went too far decades ago. This is just another assault on liberty. Why is he a terrorist for undermining the "legitimate currency" when the Federal Reserve gets away with that every day?
Government for the people, by the people and of the people. Lincan said and it is very true.
There are no good politicians in the Field. Every one fight for the seat, but don't do good job.
In Canada half of the time these clowns were fighting to defeat the Govt. and call the election and Tax payers pay 300 millions to elect again the same.
That is called the politics and therefore we say Govt. gone far.
not far enough ,they should put him in jail and throw away the key ,he scammed the people ,I bet the only way you could buy his currency was with US currency. Why did he want our worthless currency?
I didn't even have to read it to know the government has gone too far.