

depends...a egg forms into a chicken..then a chicken hatches a egg..it's a cycle..but reality a egg comes first..!!

Since you put this in "Cooking and Recipes" rather than "Philosophy", I'll be creative and say: the frying pan. (Or the egg, because eggs can go into salads, but if a chicken goes into a salad, that makes it more of a casual entree)

Definately the chicken. An egg could not have been created without the chicken.

i believe it was the chicken because in the bible it says God created all the animals in the garden of eden but then the chickns had eggs

like this"adam and eve was 1st...not babies...God didnt go around scatterin eggs all ova the world...he created mammals and bugs and birds...then they layed eggs and had babies....think about it this way..back in the day,...*hit was different.magic apple trees(tree of good and evil) it rained up insted of down,..(plants were lush)never dry spells....talkin serpents an *hit.....no wat m sayin????

The chicken. Not that i'm religious, but I think it's all listed in Genisis

Haha funny you ask. It had to be a chicken because the egg would have needed warmth and it would require a chicken and a rooster to make the egg

I think it would have been the chicken. That is because, if the egg came first, then their would be no way of incubating or keeping them warm until they hatched.

You damn cockroachs

The egg came first - and here is the logic path. Eggs were invented by dinosaurs and they worked for millions of years until one of the dinosaurs got feathers. That made it the first chicken! So eggs came millions and millions of years before chickens. If Colonel Sanders arrived in the dinosaur age he would've had nothing to do for such a looooong time...

The CHICKEN!! God made 2 of every ANIMAL, not 2 of every egg.

I think Dinosaurs

The chicken cam first in general, but as far as cooking goes.... I don't know



its dependin on how ur thinking......i'd rather have them both...whether fried,boiled or even baked....
some things are better left unsaid & not thought about!&this is one of them!!!

A chicken and an egg are laying in bed. The chicken is leaning against the headboard smoking a cigarette with a satisfied smile on it's face.
The egg looking a bit frustrated, grabs the sheet and rolls over saying ' well I guess we finally answered that question'.

definitely the egg - i'm not too keen on chicken for breakfast

The chicken because if the egg had come first Eve would have cooked it and persuaded Adam to eat it.....LOL

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