How long does it take to loose 10 pounds??!


How long does it take to loose 10 pounds??

im 15 years old, im 5"0. i weight 116...

how many months does it take to loose 10 pounds??


You don't need to lose 10 lbs.

when u are a teenager it is hard to lose weight unless you are obesse because your body is growing constantly.

if you eat 3 meals a day ans 3 snacks watching portions and eating whole wheat breads and lean meats and drink water (not too much or you will get poisoned) 8 glasses a day at least, just try not to eat sugar, and do some exercises, in about a month you'l oose 10 pounds , the thing is that you need to eat so your metabolism will burn calories faster if you dont eat your body thinks you are starving it therefore your metaboism slows down, so pick and choose your snaks if you have any questions ask your doctor!!

Safe weight loss is 1-2 pounds a week. You are already very close to your ideal body weight, so it would come off more slowly. I doubt you really need to lose anything. Just exercise more, eat fruits and veggies and water, and be healthy.

You can loose 10lbs in a month,but you need to burn more off more each day than you take in. 3500 calories equals a pound. A month would be the soonest and certainly 2 months is even more realistic if you do not exercise.

*** Do not skip meals or starve yourse lf. It can backfire and your body will try and hold any fat you have.

Drink lots of water (at least 64oz a day)
Portion Control and 1500 calories would be good
Exercise and move.

Good Luck!

every age has its charm. let things happen naturally and enjoy being you, the way you are. u r still a teenager. maybe your body type is not exactly like a supermodels, but honey, who gives a damn?? embrace yourself and just remember to live a healthy life.

Through diet and exercise it is typical to only lose one pound or none at all in the first week. After that its healthy to lose about one or two pounds a week, so at that rate it might take you about two months to lose 10 pounds.

I know a girl about your size who is 108, so losing ten pounds isn't an abnormal goal. I would be very careful though, a lot of "diet tips" can be fatal for someone of your size. For example, you should not take a lot of caffeine.

I would aim for a pound a month to be safe. For your size, a pound a month is a lot.

it's not going to happen overnight.... if you lose one or two pounds a week (which is not as hard as it sounds you just have to excersise for about an hour every day and eat healthy) you could lose it in 1 month. if you want to lose the weight faster i guess you'd just have to excersise more... but it sounds to me that you're pretty healthy to begin with, so take it easy.

getting the excersise in can be hard. different things work better for different people so just experiment a little and hopefully you'll find something you like. maybe you could take up a sport?

good luck

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