Recipes using pandan leaf?!


Recipes using pandan leaf?

I found a couple recipes using pandan leaves but some are not in English

Bananas In Sweet Coconut Milk
* 15 grams sagou pearls (tapioca pearls)
* ? teaspoon salt
* 1 tablespoon tapioca flour/starch
* ? teasponn vanilla essence
* 1 pandan leaf (screwpine leaf)
* more than 15 small bananas (not too large bananas)
* 5 tablespoons sugar, or until sweet as desired
* 2 big cubes of Gula Jawa
* 1can (398 ml or 14 fl oz) coconut milk
* 2 cups water
* 150 grams cassavas
Make small cuts out of banana and cassava.

- Boil water and put the cuts into the water. Boiled/cooked until it well done, especially the cassava (until its a bit tender)

- Put screwpine leaf along with vanilla essence, salt, sagou pearl and coconut milk into the pot where the cuts are boiled. Mix thoroughly until boiling again.

- Add some water to the tapioca flour. Mix well and pour into the kolak batter. Wait for a moment, then take out, and is ready to serve.

Pandan Steamed Cake

For the Banana part:

* 125-130 grams rice flour
* 1 heaping tbsp tapioca starch
* 5 sachets splenda sweetener
* 350 grams milk
* 2 ripe bananas, mashed

- Mix all ingredients, heat while keep stirring until thicker, but do not let boil.
- Grease pan evenly with cooking oil
- Pour batter onto the pan, and steam until well done (firm)
- Let cool down completely to room temperature
- Using cookie cutter, shape banana cake, place in another mold, pour the pandan batter (recipe see below)

Pandan batter:

* 50 grams rice flour
* 1 heaping tbsp tapioca starch
* 5 sachets of splenda sweetener
* 1 can of coconut milk (389ml) + 1/4 can of water
* a drop or two of pandan essence

- Mix all ingredients, heat while keep stirring until thicker, but do not let boil, then pour to the mold. Steam until firm or well done.
- Let cool to room temperature before serving.

Es Cendol
* gula merah 1 bungkus
* gula pasir 5 sendok makan
* Bahan2 adonan cendol : 1 bungkus hunkwee, 2 cup air, 1 cup tepung beras, 1 botol kecil esens pandan
* santan kental 2 kaleng
* garam secukupnya
* Es batu serut
* daun pandan 2 lembar
-campur semua bahan untuk adonan cendol
-masak didalam panci sampai mendidih dan bergumpal2, aduk rata
-saring adonan tadi kedalam wadah yang telah diberi air dingin, lalu saring kembali
-terakhir taruh air matang secukupnya kedalam cendol yg sudah disaring tadi, sisihkan
-masak gula merah, gula putih dgn air sampai mendidih, sisihkan
-masak santan dgn daun pandan sampai mendidih, beri garam kira2 1 sdt. kemudian sisihkan

Terakhir,susun didalam mangkok : Cendol, beri Es batu serut lalu gula merah terakhir santan.
*Hidangkan dingin*

Indonesian Sweet Rice-flour Dumplings
* a few small drops of pandan essence
* palm sugar (brown sugar)
* 150cc water
* 100cc milk
* 100cc water
* 250g rice-flour
* 100g dry coconut
* salt to taste
- Cut palm sugar into 1cm cube.

- Mix rice flour, water, milk and pandan essence, and knead it until the dough has soft-touched surface.

- Make a bite-sized ball, and put a piece of palm sugar in it.

- Make (about) 15 balls, and boil them in boiled water.

- Mix coconut with 150cc of water and salt.

- Put dumplings into coconut mixture, and make sure that the surface of the dumplings are covered with the mixture.


try here

Sunset Cooler
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
2 pandan leaves

1 fresh pineapple - peeled, cored and chopped
1 1/2 cups water
1 cinnamon stick
3 whole cloves
To Make the Basic Syrup: Place sugar, 1 cup water and pandan leaves in a deep saucepan. Bring to a boil, lower heat and simmer until sugar is dissolved. Remove pandan leaves and strain the syrup. Allow to cool for use as a basic syrup. Store the syrup in a bottle in the refrigerator.
To Make the Cooler: In a blender or food processor, puree the pineapple chunks. Strain and reserve the juice.
In a deep saucepan, combine the pineapple pulp, 1 1/2 cups water, cinnamon stick and cloves. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove from heat, strain and discard pulp and spices. Allow the reserved liquid to cool.
In a pitcher, combine spiced pineapple syrup and reserved pineapple juice. Stir in enough cooled Basic Syrup to sweeten to your taste. Chill in refrigerator.
To serve, pour into glasses full of crushed ice.

Black Glutinous Rice Porridge
1 2/3 cups water
1 pandan leaf
3/4 cup black glutinous rice
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup white sugar
2 cups coconut milk
In a saucepan bring water and pandan leaf to a boil. Add rice and stir. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 20 minutes. Remove pandan leaf and stir in brown sugar and white sugar. Continue to cook for 5 minutes. Stir in the coconut milk and remove from heat.

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