What concerns should I have when consuming food or drink with gold foil in it?!
What concerns should I have when consuming food or drink with gold foil in it?
Although consumption of gold is essentially harmless in small amounts, there is a gold toxicity that is known from its use in treating arthritis. Skin rash is the most common result of excessive consumption of gold for medicinal purposes. Gastrointestinal distress can from time to time result from excessive ingestion of gold compounds.
- http://www.onlygold.com/tutorialpages/hu...
Gold is okay for ingestion, but do not, by any means, eat silver. The ingestion of silver causes the terrible and permanent skin discoloration disease known as argyria. Unfortunately, pseudoscience quack medicine peddlers sell "colloidal silver" as a panacea for all sorts of ills. The only thing it is known to do is to cause heavy metal poisoning and argyria.
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/silver...
- http://dermatology.cdlib.org/111/case_re...
Hope I helped some!
The only concern you should have is your wallet. Goldschlager ain't cheap! :)
I have not heard of any foods with gold foil, but drink that have gold such as Goldschlager have such a miniscule amount that it would not affect you in any way whatsoever. If there were any danger of ingested to much then there would have to be a warning label on the bottle.
I can't imagine eating that much gajar halwa to make yourself sick at an Indian restaurant. It is an edible version of gold pounded to a very fine foil used in India for centuries for decoration.