Can you bake a toy car in a cake??!


Can you bake a toy car in a cake??

like put a toy car
lets say hotwheels
in a cake batter and bake it?
my brothers birthday is soon and i would like to know if i can!

lol no you cant..what you can do is bake the cake and after it cools off...just stick the car in the cake and than patch up the hole with icing...and walla you have a cake with a car in it hehe

i decorated cakes for many years

I would just give him the car without the cake around it!

That's a lawsuit waiting to happen!

No.....the metal would melt a little, and that wouldn't taste very good. How about putting one on top?


Well, people bake files in cake to get out of jail. So I assume that you can bake a hotwheels.

I wouldn't, the tires would melt. Why don't you bake it first and put it in between the layers? Bake a two-layer cake.

i think it would probably melt but if its a metal one i think all u would need to do is take the plastic materials out of it

Absolutely not. It's not all metal. Besides, they paint those things, and the paint will peel off in the cake.

Do it like the Mardi Gras cake people do the mardi gras king cake. Bake the cake, and slip it in afterward, between the layers. Then frost.

You could if it was entirely metal. I wouldn't though because the paint could contain lead, which would be very unsafe.

Try putting it on top when decorating it instead, or inbetween pieces of cake.

That way you don't have any unseen problems.

NO! The plastic would melt.. the paint would melt, the little tires would become liquid...


what you can do is make a cake outta two nine inch rounds, when you put the bottom one on the plate to be frosted, cut a hole the size of the Hotwheel but don't cut all the way thru to the bottom of the cake. Then cut the same size hole in the top layer, careful to not break thru to the surface... insert the Hot wheel on the hole you cut in the bottom layer before the top layer goes on. That way you'll get the same effect without the need for stomach pumping!

only if u want the car to be melted

I am pretty sure that a hotwheels car would melt in the cake or at least the paint would. Just to be safe i would try putting some hotwheels on top of the cake as decoration instead.

No...first off the tires would melt and who knows what chemicals would be released from the paint when it reached that hot of a temperature.

Why not bake the cake and when finished decorate the top with icing to look like a racetrack and put the car on top? Alot safer and much less messy.

Even if you could bake it, you'd never get all that cake out of all the grooves, spaces and crevices.

bake two cakes,put one on the bottom and hollow out a space for the car.then frost it,put the 2nd cake on top,and frost the whole thing.that will work best.if you bake the car it could melt and make the cake toxic.this way he will be around for the next birthday.

Baking a cake with a car inside is not good.. The material the car is make from can make you sick. Just wrap the gift for him. He would enjoy opening the present.

How about using the car on top of the cake as decoration? You know...make a road with brown sugar and put the car on it. Add green grass and whatever else you think would appeal to your brother. You are a very good sister!

Try baking the cake and cut out a piece of cake put the car in and cover with cake and frosting make sure that you know where the car is so no one chokes! And don't bake it paint that may be toxic!!!!!

I think if a car is the same material as money It should work. just make sure its die cast metal and not aluminum. I wouldn't go over 350 degrees.

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