Are Tostadas available in the UK?!
Are Tostadas available in the UK?
In the late seventies, early eighties, I used to eat a corn flat taco-like crispy thing, covered usually in my spicy minced beef (or lamb) and tomato and cheese, pickles, salads etc etc.
Is this tostado still available in the UK? I don't like Tacos cause they tend to break. I think I put them (Tostadas) in the oven for five minutes or so and then spread on the filling. Had to be careful eating them or else the mince fell orf.
I am not sure if they rae in the supermarkets, I haven't really heard of them, but here is a reciepe on how to make them :
Good Luck in your search.
Did you look in the telephone book for Mexican, Spanish OR?? restaurants