Want Scalopina Boscaiola recipe?!
Want Scalopina Boscaiola recipe?
12 small pieces of beefsteak
150g mushrooms
1 large onion
salt an pepper
4tablespoon olive oil
100ml red wine
100ml beef stock
6 carrots
6 parsnips
crunchy-french beans
1/heat oil in fry pan ,add beefsteak -panfry till golden- remove from pan. 2/use juice left in pan to do sauce -add finely chopped onion and sliced mushroom and saute for 4mins. Add the stock and wine-simmer until reduced.Add the beef and heat for 2mins..Meanwhile-boil parsnip and carrots-puree in liquidiser -serve with beef and greenbeans.ENJOY.
Thank you, I now know what we are having for dinner!
Sounds yummy!