Any tips on how to get silks off of corn before you cream it?!
Any tips on how to get silks off of corn before you cream it?
I've washed, used a brush and even tried digging the little strings out with my fingers. I'm about to go nutty! Please help.
After you have done all the little things you have done... try holding the cob under running water to see if anthing else comes up...if not, then cut off the cob, and rinse in a colander. The extra silk should rinse away.
Good Luck
Plunge in near-boiling water for a couple seconds... it will come off easier.
get off the bulk
It is eatable and you'll never notice it in your creamed corn.
Try using a damp papertowl.
Put on a pair of dishwashing gloves and if you don't have a pair of them handy, try any clean gloves. Pull the silk off and then rub the ends of the ears with your gloves on.
I'd recommend textured kitchen gloves, Circle the cob end with your hand and pull in the opposite direction of the silks growth.