Mystery Recipe?!
Mystery Recipe?
There is this one stuff that is made out of orange jello powder and cottage cheese. What is it called? Or how do I make it.
I can look it up because I don't know what its called.
Any Help?
Cottage Cheese Jello Salad
in the ingredients put desired jello flavor
'Round and 'round the cobbler's bench
The monkey chased the weasel,
The monkey thought 'twas all in fun
Pop! Goes the weasel.
A penny for a spool of thread
A penny for a needle,
That's the way the money goes,
Pop! Goes the weasel.
A half a pound of tupenny rice,
A half a pound of treacle.
Mix it up and make it nice,
Pop! Goes the weasel.
Up and down the London road,
In and out of the Eagle,
That's the way the money goes,
Pop! Goes the weasel.
I've no time to plead and pine,
I've no time to wheedle,
Kiss me quick and then I'm gone
Pop! Goes the weasel.
Here ya go...,1913,1451...
Orange jello and cheese surprise.
2 Boxes orange jello
1/2 cup mayonaise
1 cup whole milk
1 cup boiling water
1 can crushed pineapple ( do not drain )
1 small carton small curd cottage cheese
Disolve jello ( both ) with boiling water. add mayo. and whisk well . add rest of ingredients and stir good. pour in dish refrigerate over night. serve
1 lb creamed cottage cheese
1 carton whipping cream, whipped
1 can Mandarin oranges, drained
1 can crushed pineapple, drained
1 orange jello
Directions: Line mold with plastic wrap. Mix cottage with jello, add other ingredients and mix well. Put in fridge until ready to eat. Serve with lettuce.
Sounds like fake vomit.