Where can i buy "raw" green peanuts to make boiled peanuts?!
Where can i buy "raw" green peanuts to make boiled peanuts?
I've actually purchased them at the grocery store and I live up north, so NOBODY up here has even heard or can stomach the idea of boiled peanuts. But they do bag raw peanuts the same as they do the roasted ones, you just have to look a little harder for them
I loooove boiled peanuts...I am Georgia raised!
Do you have a Farme's market where you live? You should check there
Grocery store, farmers market, produce stand
Farmers market, I think they are harvested in the late summer. I have even seen them cryovaced in Walmart food centers.
I saw these guys on Food TV, they have a nice on line catalog.
Oh thank you thank you thank you to the folks who pointed out that raw peanuts can be had somewhere outside of the south. Since moving away from Georgia, I've craved boiled peanuts for well over a year now and haven't quite figured out how to get my summer treat back.
My wife thinks they're absolutely vile, but they were an every-Saturday thing for me..
I can't wait to litter my Yankee backyard with the shells!